It’s Ok Now Kids…

Some of us were born with a different sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, and knowing from the rest. 
Does that make us monsters?
Or are you simply scared of how brightly we are able to shine in a sea of darkness…
Do you fear? Why might that be? 
Is it due to a lack of knowledge perhaps…

You can cry for a library card for a millennia. With or without tears you must learn about the marvelous adventure that is you;

First slowly move every little part of you, take stock of what you and YOU alone are gifted with. Do not look elsewhere but instead inward. Which can be scary my loves but always remember your torch that burns eternally within your own heart. Once you shine a light in the dark, you’ll see that shadow was just your own clothes hanging in wait for your next adventure…

Learn to crawl next with everything you have got, while you’re on the ground feel everything along the way. Remember every stepping stone whether you slip or step firmly across each one. Know that it’s ok to fall but pick yourself back up each time, within your own divine timing. The more work and determination coupled with heart and knowledge you put in, the higher you can fly to see the grand scheme. 

We then learn to walk with everything we are equipped with, to think we are lacking our essentials for survival is an epic mistake. Everything we could ever need is within us. We simply need to educate, nourish, learn, and do not ever stop growing. Don’t let yourselves become stagnant and even much less too complaisant. 

Next you learn to run slowly and awkwardly at first, but eventually you get the hang of things and are able to efficiently move quickly, while gathering up everything you need along the way. Remember when we learned to observe the ground we crawled on? Did you stop doing that already? Did you let yourself drop a tool? Pick it back up my little darling. Everything you’re presented is important in its own way, it’s up to you to crack your own code and learn to truly read the world around us. You are never alone though. We’ll always be right beside you watching and helping lessen the blows where and when we can from your own self. You may not always sense us there but I assure you we are. We have to let you make your own mistakes and LEARN from each and everyone of them what you will. After all, we are all on individual journeys of discovery. 

Remember that introspection is essential but consideration and empathy are too for not only your own inner world, but for the ones you get to interact with along the way. You get to be in each others stories, and it might be a smaller part you play for someone but it might also be a much larger position you hold for another. Either way, understand that you are a valuable gem. So there’s no need to ever harbor saturated jealousy within your beautiful hearts. Would you ever proudly hand your mother a flower shrouded in toxic sludge? Know that not everyone can see how you already do shine or will later on. That’s okay. There are others who do and always will see you. There are soo many who will love you forever & always💜🖤


Think that’s it? 
Don’t worry, there’s more layers of adventure to be had! This is all just the beginning where you actually learn and eventually earn flight. Don’t ever rush the process that’s when the world begins to spiral far out of balance; rather trust deeply in the process and know who your true allies are. Always have faith in we. 

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